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healthy lunch




If you would like a more comprehensive level of support on your journey, then the gold programme is for you.


After two in-depth 90-minute consultations, we will meet weekly for 45 minutes over zoom for 9 weeks, then fortnightly for your last 3 sessions  so that we can celebrate your successes, review your progress and discuss any issues you are having. This programme lasts for 16 weeks to really give time for your new habits to become fully embedded.

This programme includes:

1 x 90-minute ‘getting to know you’ zoom consultation where we will look in depth at your diet, lifestyle, what you have tried in the past and your likes and dislikes.

1 x 90-minute ‘action planning’ zoom consultation where we will work together on some simple steps you can implement to achieve your goals

12 x 45-minute weekly zoom top-up consultations

Full diet and nutritional evaluation (including macro, micro and phytonutrients) 

Full lifestyle evaluation (including sleep, exercise, toxins and connections) 

Simple-to-follow diet and lifestyle action plans

Supplement evaluation and recommendations 

Body composition analysis (weight and BMI) 

Nutritional advice leaflets and factsheets 

Two 7-day menu plans 

Whatsapp and email support throughout

Personalised coaching

Programme Cost: £960

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