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healthy food which you will learn to prepare when working with Vitality with Emily

Healthy & Happy

Learn to eat in a way that gives you a healthy shape, restores your confidence and helps you to thrive in life


As mums, life is hectic

and it’s very easy to neglect ourselves whilst we are busy looking after everyone else. Day after day, week after week, this lack of attention to what we eat and to our lifestyle can lead to weight gradually creeping on, or our energy levels being depleted.


Does this sound familiar?

Are you on a diet rollercoaster, trying endless approaches?

Does your motivation only last for a few days or weeks at a time?

Are you an emotional eater, eating more during times of stress and boredom?

Do you never feel full and suffer from cravings at certain times of the day?

Would you love to fix your relationship with food and develop a healthy shape?


At Vitality with Emily, I use Nutrition and Lifestyle Coaching to support you to reset your approach to eating and health and develop a personalised healthy diet and lifestyle.  I will help you to cut through confusing and contradictory advice about diet and exercise and find what works for you. By implementing some easy-to-follow steps, working at your pace, you will see health benefits which you love including: a healthier shape, increased energy, improved sleep and a better relationship with food.

Picture of Emily Collins owner of Vitality with Emily standing in a sunny field
tree branches


I'm Emily

I’m passionate about helping women, and busy mums in particular, to develop a healthy shape, regain their confidence and to thrive in life. I work with you and your individual situation – I promise I won’t make you eat things you don’t like and I won’t make you do exercise you’re not keen on – we will work together to develop a fully tailored plan that suits your likes and dislikes, fits your routine and moves at your pace.


My programmes will leave you with healthy habits for life, freedom from diets and the energy and resolve to deal with whatever life throws at you next.

If you are ready to make lifelong changes and take back control of your health then book in for a 30 minute complementary vitality review

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